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Acidum Nitricum

$ 1.00$ 2.00


Selects for its special seat of action the outlets of the body where the mucous membrane and skin meet; these pain as from splinters. Sticking pains. Marked improvement of all symptoms while riding in a carriage. Acts best on the dark complexioned and past middle life. Syphilis, after abuse of Mercury. Pains appear and disappear quickly (Bell). Hydrogenoid constitution. Sycotic remedy.

Blisters and ulcers in mouth, tongue, genitals; bleed easily. Fissures, with pain during stool, as if rectum were torn. All discharges very offensive, especially urine, feces, and perspiration. Persons who have chronic diseases, and take cold easily and disposed to diarrh?a. Excessive physical irritability. Cachexia, due to syphilis, scrofula, intermittent fever with liver involvement and an?mia, etc. Gravel; arthritis. Capillary bleeding after curettage.

Mind.–Irritable, hateful, vindictive, headstrong. Hopeless despair. Sensitive to noise, pain, touch, jar. Fear of death.

Head.–Sensation of a band around head. Headache from pressure of hat; full feeling; worse from street noises. Hair falls out. Scalp sensitive.

Ears.–Difficult hearing; better by riding in carriage or train. Very sensitive to noise, as the rattle of wagons over pavements (Coff; Nux). Cracking in ears when chewing.

Eyes.–Double vision; sharp, sticking pains. Ulceration of cornea. Gonorrh?al ophthalmia, photophobia, constant lachrymation. Syphilitic iritis.

Nose.–Oz?na. Green casts from nose every morning. Coryza, with sore and bleeding nostrils. Tip red. Stitches, as of a splinter in nose. Caries of mastoid. Nosebleed, with chest affections. Chronic nasal catarrh, with yellow, offensive, corrosive discharge. Nasal diphtheria, with watery and exceedingly excoriating discharge.

Mouth.–Putrid breath. Salivation. Bleeding of gums. Painful pimples on the sides of the tongue. Tongue clean, red and wet with center furrow. Teeth become loose; gums soft and spongy. Ulcers in soft palate, with sharp, splinter-like pains. Salivation and fetor oris. Bloody saliva.

Throat.–Dry. Pain into ears. Hawks mucus constantly. White patches and sharp points, as from splinters, on swallowing.

Stomach.–Great hunger, with sweetish taste. Longing for indigestible things-chalk, earth, etc. Pain in cardiac orifice. Dyspepsia with excess of oxalic acid, uric acid and phosphates in urine and great mental depression. Loves fat and salt (Sulph).

Abdomen.–Great straining, but little passes, Rectum feels torn. Bowels constipated, with fissures in rectum. Tearing pains during stools. Violent cutting pains after stools, lasting for hours (Ratanh). H?morrhages from bowels, profuse, bright. Prolapsus ani. H?morrhoids bleed easily. Diarrh?a, slimy and offensive. After stools, irritable and exhausted. Colic relieved from tightening clothes. Jaundice, aching in liver.

Urine.–Scanty, dark, offensive. Smells like horse’s urine. Cold on passing. Burning and stinging. Urine bloody and albuminous. Alt


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